Monday, June 30, 2008

With a presidential race looming around the corner, American's economic future is certainly at stake. The question is, how will the outcome of the next election affect the economy for both the United States and the world.

The simple answer is that McCain offers the best solution for the American economy while Obama offers the best solution for the world economy. But what about an ideal solution? What if we could elect a president who's sole goal is to fix the economy. How would it occur, what steps would need to be taken?

Here's my solution for the best fix to the American economy. Hey, I live in the US, I'd rather fix things more locally if we can:

1) Leave the WTO. This organization should not be able to over turn federal mandates in favor of business profitability.
2) Don't put Federal money into mortgage rescue or bank rescue loans. This only encourages bad behavior and risky investing by rewarding those who have made bad decisions. The correct solution to this it to let the market find it's own solution to this. If these means that banks close and some businesses go bankrupt, then let it happen. The same mistakes will not be made in the future.
3) Good grief, how stupid is the US automobile industry? America can no longer afford to compete with Union labor against cheap foreign labor. This is why many people are finding themselves jobless. It would have been better for Union's to not demand unrealistic wages. The result of this will be high foreclosures in Detroit as the artificially high income meant that people would buy artificially high houses. The current solution to this (sorry union workers) is that the automobile industry is outsourcing work to other countries (Mexico and Canada)! The better solution would be for the US worker to accept a lower lifestyle. This means smaller houses, living with extended family, not purchasing big screen TV's or cable, using more efficient and cheaper energy for cooking, heating, and cooling, and recycling waste water for gardening. I'm sure there are other things too. By accepting lower salaries and lifestyles, the price of homes would plummet, we'd save energy and the cost of energy would decrease, the automobile industry could afford to make a smaller car. Yes, that's the other big thing, why has the US automobile industry not made smaller, fuel efficient cars like foreign companies (Toyota and Honda on top)? I'll tell you, because it wasn't profitable with Union labor! Now to cope, jobs are moving overseas and Union workers are going jobless. They will likely have to find another non union industry to work in. Some may have home foreclosures until
enough occur and the price of homes drop sufficiently to where those with lower salaries can afford them.
4) Technology! Yes, the US is still capable of doing so much with it's current infrastructure. We need more scientists and engineers. We need to make these jobs seem cool again. Currently, today's youth wants to work minimal hours for a large salary. So you guessed it, everyone wants to be an investment banker where bad decisions are rewarded. This must be fixed, we should not subsidize bad decisions. Today's youth should not be under the illusion that money is easy to make. It must be earned, and it is hard work, hard physically, mentally, or both. If we encourage imagination, the US can be powerful again, which brings us to the next point.
5) Education must be changed at all levels! Let's start with grade schools, eliminate state or federal testing period. We do not need these to know that children can or can't succeed in the next grade. It's obvious! By eliminating these tests, schools can focus on improving the lifestyles of kids and the community by teaching art, music, and physical education/nutrition. Let's not forget finance! These aspects are not covered sufficiently at a young age for anyone to be successful through the public educational system.
6) Medical care, you guessed it, needs to be changed. We should begin by not encouraging unhealthy lifestyles. Workers should not sit at a desk for 8 hours, let's have a 6 hour maximum, with 2 hours of activity. There are many ways to accomplish this, business should make it a priority for their workers to find the best solution for them. Mandatory insurance is not a solution, we have mandatory car insurance, and that does not work. What will happen is that the insured will subsidize the uninsured. The best solutions would be to subsidize trips to foreign countries with medical tourism. Why pay $100,000 for a procedure when it's available for $15,000 in another country? Sure, the quality is somewhat less, but the end result will be the same. If that's not acceptable, lets make it easier for doctors to work in this country by not requiring malpractice insurance. Also, make it tough for fivilous lawsuits to be filed. This can be done by a jury, ask a panel of people if they agree that a lawsuit should be filed before it even goes to court! A panel can whiz through several of these in an hour.

Enough for now, there are many other aspects that need to be addressed, but I feel better after I've ranted on this. I wonder if anyone will listen or even better, come up with their own valid ideas.
