Monday, July 14, 2008

Duped!!!! The American people are duped once again by congress, the Federal Bank, and the reporting media. Has the US really turned into a mass of uneducated soulless blobs? I say yes, here's why:

We've elected members of Congress to represent us on our behalf. Instead, Congress has stopped representing their electorate except on issues that don't have a damn bit of business being addressed by the Federal government. We are hippocrites! I say this because people will raise all hell whether or not gay marriage is legal on the grounds of family values, but do nothing about an escalating divorce rate that is already at an all time high.

The Federal bank would do better to be regulated by a computer program designed to optimize (reduce) the budget deficit instead of by people who want to get rich and propagate bad decisions by rewarding them! I can't state enough regarding how bad this is. We do not, should not, nor even contemplate rewarding companies or people that make bad financial decisions. The Federal Reserve is doing just this by supporting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two companies that have made very bad business decisions by investing in risky mortgages to the extent their businesses risk becoming insolvent (running out of money). If I spent all my money on an investment, and it failed, I would be punished by having to apply for federal welfare as I wouldn't have a penny to my name. Instead of going out of business, the Federal Government is allowing these companies to remain in business by giving them more money to make even worse decisions. Even worse, that money if my tax dollars, money that should be spent to balancing the budget or social programs. Even worse, Congress is contemplating investing in these companies with our tax dollars. Even worse, these companies will be able to apply for guranteed loans at low interest from the Federal Bank. ARHGH!! Mother F*#(ers! This means these businesses, who have made bad decisions, will make record profits because of their new found access to low interest rates. Not only that, their stock value will increase thanks to Congressional buying using out tax dollars.

American people, it is out duty to tell our Congressional representatives that this is a very, very bad idea. If we do not weed out bad financial behavior now, it will propogate. Such bad behavior should be stopped before things get much worse, and they will unless the behavior is stopped right the hell now.

The media is not reporting on the implications of events, just that the events are taking place. I believe the media does not understand the implications of events that are taking place. Why should they? Their business is to present desired news to people at a sub high school graduate level. This is wrong, the media should make it their business to educate us and present intellectual reports on the cause / effects of current events.

America, stop rewarding bad behavior. Do not allow congress to invest in companies that make bad decisions. Do not allow the Federal Bank to back companies that make bad decisions. By rewarding such ludicrous behavior, we are encouraging it. This is bad for me and you, it's bad for America, it's bad for our government.

Okay, so how do we fix it? Let these companies go out of business and transfer the mortgages to the Federal Bank. How do you like them apples!!!! The bad companies will not be rewarded, they CEO's will need to look for other jobs with their resumes stating "I make bad decisions". The people with transferred mortgages will have theirs backed by the US government at lower interest rates, which has the benefit of offering slight relief to the middle to lower class taxpayer, someone who could really use it. The Federal Reserve would have done a damn good job instead of a horribly bad one.

Wake up America and smack someone.

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