Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ebay's dirty little secrets... Has anyone else encountered this type of error on ebay: everything works except the bidding process?

I've had this happen twice, where I was unable to place a bid because a server wasn't responding. I remember once when this lasted for at least 8 hours on a Sunday, I wound up getting something really cheap because nobody else was able to bin on it at the closing hours of the auction. I'm wondering why ebay never mentioned this error, or gave any sellers affected by this problem credit for their auction listing prices or the option to relist the item that they were selling. I'm sure it's not in ebay's best interest to publish erros with their auctions, especially when they screw people over, so I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this, or it was just a one off thing that happened more than once.

I'm tired of the news coverage of the world response to the test firing of missles by North Korea. What is the point?! North Korea does not have advanced technology unless they perchased it from another country. The missles they launch are probably falling apart, they have shot shelf lives, maybe 10 years maximum. It's probably a use it or lose it scenario for them.

North Korea is probably better off shooting the missles into Japan's ocean rather than disposing of the missles via inceneration as I doubth they'd have the technology to control such an event.